New MMORPG starts secret beta on Steam

Perfect New World will be the sequel to an old MMORPG classic and like it, it will rely on flying as an important element. A closed beta has been running on Steam for a few days, which is actually not allowed to be shown. Nevertheless, there is some video material to be found on YouTube and Twitch.

What kind of game is this? Perfect New World will be the successor to the MMORPG Perfect World and won over many with its first gameplay trailer. There were action-packed battles and good graphics. Also, a second trailer showcased in-game flying, which is a must-see for many fans of the series.

  • When creating your character, you have the choice of 3 classes, each of which is linked to 3 different races. However, further classes are to follow before the release.
  • The game world should be completely open. There will be four different zones for the test, each with a different theme. One zone is supposed to be full of puzzles, another emphasizes group content like boss fights and Dracopolis will probably be the capital with a mix of Chinese and steampunk elements like airships.
  • In the game world there should be random events that appear and in which you can then participate.
  • Perfect New World gets an action combat system without the ability to “log in” a target. So you always have to actively aim your skills. There are also combos that change your attacks, such as when you throw enemies into the air.
  • But while the first trailers excited many, the gameplay from the beta is not so well received. However, a lot can change before the release.

    Perfect New World gameplay

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    Mobile menus and pixelated graphics as points of criticism

    Where does the gameplay come from? A video comes from the German YouTuber Toftel, who showed his first 90 minutes in the beta. There you can see the character creation and the first quests and fights.

    However, Toftel and viewers of the video have a few criticisms, including:

  • gender lock
  • A pixelated graphic.
  • Partly long animations in the fights, which reduces the action effect a bit. In general, the first fights were too easy.
  • A very empty game world.
  • Menus that are very reminiscent of mobile MMORPGs.
  • Optional auto-pathing from one quest giver to the next.
  • Some bugs and performance issues.
  • In the comments to the video, but also elsewhere, the MMORPG is also referred to as a worse TERA or worse Revelation Online. Comparisons to Bless Online are also made again and again.

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    However, some in the comments also criticize that elements such as the bugs, menus or the empty game world can be significantly revised again after a beta. The beta is also there to collect feedback. However, the YouTuber did not report any bugs during the video, which was noted multiple times in the comments.

    Is there praise? The “YouTuber Perfect New World Gameplays” (via YouTube) and “webYTube” (via YouTube) have published various videos, some of which positively emphasize dogfights and flying. Also the fact that there is already English voice acting in the first beta is a small plus.

    So far, however, no video has triggered a great storm of enthusiasm.

    The high system requirements also seem to be a big problem. Perfect New World demands a lot more than most other MMORPGs, but the graphics in the game don’t do justice to them: New MMORPG on Steam has extremely high system requirements – Now shows gameplay for it.

    What is your first impression of Percet New World? Are you still interested in the game or does it look too much like a classic Asian grinder?
