New MMORPG on Steam shows how awesome the cities look that players can build themselves

The new sandbox MMORPG Pax Dei promises players a lot of freedom. They should be able to build houses themselves and join forces with other players to form huge cities. In new screenshots, the developers show how awesome this can look.

How does it work with building a house? Each player can claim an area in the open world and build a house on it. There is the option to build completely alone in your area or open it up and have friends help you. You can build floors and walls, typical decorations and also crafting benches.

If you want, you can also connect your housing area with other players. In this way, small settlements as well as huge cities can be built. Players can then place crafting stations, storage space and other useful objects in these.

The look of the buildings and streets is particularly impressive. The developers’ screenshots show a huge tavern, classic half-timbered houses, small wooden huts, Asian-inspired temples and high city walls. So no matter what type of place you want to create, Pax Dei lets you do it.

In total, the developers have uploaded around 50 images on the subject of cities to their Discord. We have picked out six of them for you:

High details and a mystical game world give rise to high hopes

What does the MMORPG offer besides housing? In Pax Dei you create a character and use it to explore the game world. However, you don’t just follow any quests, you can basically do whatever you want. The developers also emphasize this again and again.

The focus is on cooperation with other players, because the fights against PvE creatures are tough. The further you move away from the “Heartlands” – something like the safe zone – the more difficult the content will become. However, there should be rarer rewards at the same time. PvP is also possible.

  • Pax Dei does not have fixed classes. Instead, armor and weapons determine your play style.
  • You start by collecting resources and making things with them. Crafting should play an important role because monsters don’t drop equipment. Everything is made by players.
  • The game uses a zoom function that allows you to specifically look at decorations, equipment, but also elements in the open world. Even small engravings become visible on worn equipment, which is said to play a role in the lore. In a preview we took part in at MeinMMO, we were shown a mushroom that simply grows on the ground and can be collected.
  • It is developed in Unreal Engine 5, which results in really nice graphics.
  • Pax Dei – Official announcement with gameplay

    More videos

    What do we know about the combat system? The fights are a bit reminiscent of New World. You have different weapons that you can switch between, you have to actively target enemies and you can avoid attacks. No abilities have been seen in the game yet, but these are still to come.

    When will the MMORPG be released? There is no exact release date yet. However, the developers have announced the first public test. It should start this year and without an NDA.

    You can register for this on the official website.

    It will be released first on Steam for PC. However, later it is planned as a cloud MMORPG. This should offer the opportunity to play it on consoles or smartphones.

    The mix of EVE Online, Anlbion Online and the fantasy approach with the mystical game world have such great appeal that many people already have high hopes for Pax Dei. We have broken down what exactly the game is about and where these hopes come from here:

    New MMORPG is seen by many as a great sandbox hope – What makes Pax Dei so special?

    What do you say about the MMORPG and the housing system? Does a game like this appeal to you?
