New MMORPG on Steam received harsh criticism in beta, now promises to make everything better

Perfect New World will be the sequel to an old MMORPG classic and launched a beta on Steam in May. However, this was not well received and almost every area of ​​the game was criticized. But in a new post, the developers face the criticism and promise 12 major changes.

What was the problem in the beta? Perfect New World convinced many players with its first gameplay trailer. There were action-packed battles and good graphics. Also, a second trailer showcased in-game flying, which is a must-see for many fans of the series.

But the first beta, which actually took place under NDA, received a lot of negative criticism:

  • There was gender lock in the classes. In general, the players thought 3 classes were not enough.
  • The graphics were pixelated.
  • There were sometimes long animations in the fights, which somewhat reduces the action effect. In addition, the first fights were too easy.
  • The game world seemed very empty.
  • The menus are very reminiscent of mobile MMORPGs, although the game will only be released for PC and consoles.
  • There was auto-pathing from one quest giver to the next.
  • There were some bugs and performance issues.
  • In the comments on a beta video, but also on Reddit, the MMORPG was called a worse TERA or worse Revelation Online. Comparisons to Bless Online were also made again and again.

    What do the developers say? They accept the criticism. A statement on Discord states that they take feedback very seriously. At the same time, 12 points were mentioned that should change in the near future.

    Perfect New World gameplay

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    More classes, fair PvP, more story and additional character customization

    What should be changed? The first points in the statement revolve mainly around missing content. An enlargement of the world map should take place, which should not only bring new areas, but also more interactive elements. The scenery should also become more diverse, for example through different buildings and cultural influences.

    Even before the start of the beta, it was confirmed that more classes were planned. This was confirmed again and the developers also want to work on the control and movement of the characters. The combat system should also become more fluid and “satisfying”.

    A “fair PvP mode” was announced as completely new content. It should take place in different modes and battlegrounds. The PvP in the predecessor Perfect World took place mainly in the open world.

    Improvements were also promised for the story. There should be more side quests that tell their own story line. In addition, there should be more lore about the game world through interactions with characters. They want to increase the immersion of the game. There will also be an option to skip cutscenes. That wasn’t possible in the beta.

    Other announced changes are:

  • More character creation options
  • More “social content”, although no details were given here
  • Added features to the gear system to better get the right stats
  • An optimization of the frame rates
  • Apart from the criticism of the “menus”, everything that the testers had addressed in advance was perceived in the statement. You can check out gameplay from the beta here:

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    What kind of game is this anyway? The MMORPG is said to be the sequel to Perfect World, a 2005 MMORPG that some also played in the West because it was Free2Play. It gets a completely open game world that represents a traditional Chinese world, but always mixes in steampunk elements such as airships.

    So far there are 3 classes, each with multiple talent trees. There should be a wide range of skills and combos that you can use in the action combat system. There were already 14 slots for these skills in the beta, significantly more than New World, Blue Protocol, or Throne and Liberty.

    How do you see Perfect New World in general and the announced changes in particular? Are you in the mood for the Asia MMORPG or are you rather put off by the previous videos?

    We have collected more about new MMORPGs here: All 59 MMORPGs that are currently in development for the PC
