new massacre and old mass grave discovered in the East

new massacre and old mass grave discovered in the East

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, civil society accuses ADF rebels, affiliated with the Islamic State terrorist group, of having massacred 21 villagers on Friday, April 7. In addition, the bones of about fifty people were discovered in the Ruwenzori sector, near the Ugandan border.

This is a new massacre that took place in the Beni-Mbau sector, about twenty kilometers from Beni and fifteen from Mavivi airport. Twenty-one people were massacred. A vehicle and six motorcycles were also set on fire.

The bodies were, this Saturday, April 8, in the process of being brought back to the morgue of the Oicha reference hospital where the families will be able to recover them for the funeral. ” These are people who came from the fields, who were perhaps preparing for Easter, the Saturday market or who were taking a few pieces of wood, advance with RFI Richard Kirimba, first vice-president of civil society in Beni. All these people fell into an ambush. Most were killed with bladed weapons, which corresponds to the natural pattern of ADF so as not to attract attention. But they also fired shots, maybe some people tried to escape. “​​​ And to add: ” The population is deprived of their Easter celebration. What was supposed to be a party turns into mourning. »

Discovery of a mass grave

In addition, the bones of about fifty people were discovered on Friday, April 7, in the Ruwenzori sector, near the Ugandan border. Analyzes are underway to find out more about this bloodbath. The authorities explain that the area was, at the time, occupied by a large ADF camp suspected, in this case, of having executed civilians whom they were keeping hostage. “ But there are also military effects that have been discovered on some bones “, explain richard Kirimba.

The facts would date from 2021 or early 2022. “ It means that this part has not been frequented for all this time. It is a military operation area », he says, fearing that the number of victims could increase. Ithere are still other places not accessible where there could be other bones “.

Now is the time for the difficult task of identifying the victims, as many families in the region ” noted the disappearance of relatives “. And if identifications are made, “ this can help to reassure, to give the real information to the families, to know even perhaps the context in which their loved ones died hopes the first vice-president of civil society in Beni, who expects the government to step up the hunt for rebels and military reinforcements.

We ask the Congolese government or army to extend joint operations in this area. In places where the Ugandan army fights alongside the Congolese army to try to neutralize this rebellion, things are progressing better. On the other hand, the places where the numbers of the Congolese Armed Forces are minimal, it is absolutely necessary that they be reinforced by joint operations. he calls.

► To read also: DRC: new deadly attack attributed to the ADF, the army pursues the rebels
