new mass shooting in the United States

new mass shooting in the United States

Worst nightmare », the worst of nightmares: this is the title of One of the Houston Chronicle, above the photo of a woman in tears, her eyes closed in fear, her hand over her mouth, while in the foreground we see a member of the police wearing a bulletproof vest. ” School massacre “, abstract The Diario, featuring a photo of the alleged killer, Salvador Ramos. This Tuesday, May 24, an 18-year-old entered an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and killed 19 children and two teachers.

Mass killings, Texas has known them for a long time: the Texas Grandstand looks at ” 13 years of violence ” in the State, while faced with these tragedies, ” Texas Republicans only weakened gun laws ” highlighted the newspaper. Moreover, in his editorial, the Houston Chronicle claims that when Texas Governor Greg Abbott, ” Says “Never Again” After Uvalde School Massacre, Texans Must Not Believe Him “.

Because when he describes what happened on Tuesday as ” incomprehensible “, it is ” cowardice ” and ” a shameless lie » stings the daily: « whether we are talking about handguns, rifles, or semi-automatic weapons invented for war, the Governor and Parliament have passed one after another laws that destroy any semblance of regulation based on common sense “. the New York Times recalls that in 2021, Greg Abbott ” signed a law ending the requirement for Texans to be licensed to carry guns, allowing virtually anyone over the age of 21 years of wearing ».

Abandoned generation »

When it comes to gun control, our children are an abandoned generation “, Write the Boston Globe :“ since Columbine in 1999, more than 187 000 children have experienced a massacre in their school “. But the newspaper notes that ” in recent years, a new generation of Americans have been organizing, in a movement not unlike the one that brought about huge changes to civil rights and U.S. engagement in Vietnam “. With successes for this new movement, such as the passage, at the level of the States, of laws on weapons. But the US Senate is blocking, with “ politicians backed by gun lobby money “, denounces the Boston Globe.

Angry Democrats

And the washington post echoes ” Angry Democrats like Senator Chris Murphy or Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who yesterday attacked the Republican Party for its resistance to passing gun control laws. ” The Biden administration could circumvent this blockage with executive orders “, believes the Boston Globeand the president could set up a cabinet for the prevention of violence related to weapons, as we have for the climate, work or security in transport “.

In the meantime, the NRA, the powerful arms lobby in the United States, still plans to hold its annual meeting this week in Houston, Texas… Last night, notes the Houston Chronicleat a vigil in memory of the victims in Houston, Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson asked the NRA to cancel the event, during which it is, again, still expected that Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Greg Abbott and former President Donald Trump speak.

In Mexico, the Supreme Court decides on abortion

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court allowed minors aged 12 to 17 to abort in cases of rape without parental consent. be able to choose is what is written on the belly of a pregnant woman in the photo chosen by Universal to illustrate his article. The President of the Supreme Court said yesterday that ” asking for permissions is a way to re-victimize people, and that the state must guarantee a safe process for the termination of pregnancy », Reports Excelsior. It was the states of Baja California and Aguascalientes, in the North, which filed appeals against the decision taken by the Mexican government in 2009 and revised in 2016. They considered that this decision “ encroached on the attributions of their respective Parliaments “, remember Reformed. Appeal therefore dismissed.

In Brazil, a police operation is 25 dead

The results of the bloody police operation carried out this Tuesday in a favela in Rio de Janeiro worsened, passing in one day from 11 to 25 dead: ” the mega-operation carried out in Vila Cruzeiro is the second deadliest in the history of Rio “, highlighted Oh Dia. According to the military police, reports Folha de Sao Pauloit was ” arrest in the act more than 50 drug traffickers from different states who were leaving in a convoy to the favela of Rocinha, in the southern zone of the city. The plan was foiled, however, when one of the undercover teams was discovered and attacked. “. Far-right President Jair Bolsonaro still ” welcomed the operation “. Oh Dia specifies that ” the deaths that have occurred will be the subject of a criminal investigation procedure “.
