New laws from July 1 – this applies

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Anyone who exposes a child to rape may in future receive a harsher punishment. After the end of the first half of the year, the minimum sentence is increased by one year – from imprisonment for two years to imprisonment for three years.

Many of the children who are abused end up in the clutches of their perpetrator through the internet. To strengthen protection against serious sexual offenses committed at a distance, the Ministry of Justice has also decided to extend the law on rape and sexual abuse of children.

Among other things, the provisions on the use of children for sexual posing are changed to also include actions where the child is completely passive.

Criminal suspects involved in the investigation of other people’s crimes should be able to receive a lesser punishment. The aim is to get more people in criminal networks to cooperate with the authorities.

At the same time, changes in the law are introduced to strengthen the protection of witnesses. Confidentiality shall apply to where people who participate in the link are located. Abuse in court, serious cases of perjury and protection of criminals should be able to lead to much more severe punishment.

From 1 July, anyone who quarrels and disturbs in libraries and bathhouses can be denied access. Such a ban already exists for shops and must be based on an assessment of the risk of crime and serious harassment as well as the risk of disturbances.

After July 1st the consumption support in the housing supplement for pensioners is increased by SEK 300 for those who are unmarried. Those who are married get half as much – SEK 150.

The change in the law is applied to improve the financial situation of the group of pensioners who have low incomes and small financial margins.

The basic level for the guarantee pension is also increased by SEK 1,000 a month. In order for the increase not to mean a reduced housing supplement, the so-called free amount in the housing supplement also increases by the same amount.

The pension is paid to the pensioners concerned for the first time in August.

To do the supervision of school activities more efficient and enable intervention in the event of serious misconduct for both municipal and private schools, amendments to the Education Act have been introduced. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate must now be able to ban a municipality from running a business.

If a school has received a so-called injunction regarding deficiencies and does not follow what is stated in the decision, and if the school has shown a lack of ability or willingness to fulfill its obligations, the supervisory authority must be able to close it.

The Ministry of Education is also introducing measures to improve the school’s security work and strengthen students’ study peace, which will enter into force on August. The changes mean, among other things, that there will be a mobile phone ban during class time unless the teacher has said that they may be used. There will also be greater opportunities to take care of mobile phones and introduce mobile-free school days.

Facts. New laws in selection

● Establishment jobs – a completely new model for the state to stimulate employment for the long-term unemployed and new arrivals.

● A strengthened legal process to break the culture of silence.

● Sharpened view of rape and other sexual abuse.

● Environmental management is tightened in the bonus-malus system.

● Sustainability goals are introduced for the Sixth AP Fund’s investment activities.

● District cooling and district heating customers as well as apartment owners must be able to control and reduce their energy use.

● The housing supplement is increased for pensioners.

● Temporary supplementary allowance for families with children within the housing allowance due to increased living costs.

● Increased opportunities to close schools with serious shortcomings.

● More time for learning by introducing extra study time and extended law school.

Source: The Riksdag

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