New law should make it easier to open-pit mines

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

“We must ensure that it becomes even more efficient to open and start mines in Sweden.”

This was stated by the former minister of business Karl Petter Thorwaldsson (S) in May last year in connection with the government, following pressure from the opposition, setting up an investigation into a new permit process for mining operations.

Now the government in the form of M, KD and L is proceeding with a bill.

The process for when a so-called Natura 2000 permit is needed must be redone. The Natura 2000 assessment exists to protect habitats and animal and plant species according to EU law.

Today, the central steps in opening a new mine are an exploration permit, processing concession (when a company can obtain exclusive rights to a deposit), environmental permit, land designation, and building and land permits.

Today, a company is also required to have a Natura 2000 permit, if one is needed, in order to obtain a processing concession. However, in order to avoid duplication of work, it is now proposed that the examination be carried out in connection with the examination of environmental permits.

“The proposal is deemed to lead to positive effects for the mining industry as a whole,” the government writes in a press release.

This is because it reduces the risk that the Natura 2000 review does not correspond to the requirements stated in the EU Court’s case law.

The changes to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 July 2024.
