New law regarding car purchases has come into effect – so you will be affected

New law regarding car purchases has come into effect

In 2024, a whole series of new laws and regulations will come into effect. Some of them, such as increased powers for security guards, came into force already at the turn of the year, while others came into force at the beginning of July.

For example, many drink containers must now have plastic caps attached and it is also forbidden to deny, excuse or belittle the Holocaust.

READ MORE: Here are the new laws that will come into effect in 2024

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

DO NOT MISS: New law comes into effect on July 1 – it will be illegal to say

This is what the new law looks like

Another law that came into effect on July 1 is one that concerns car sales and car purchases.

“Information about fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions must be clearly visible on, or in the vicinity of, all new passenger cars at the point of sale,” writes the Riksdag on their website.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

In addition to this, consumers must be able, at no extra cost, to get an overview of the fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions for all cars sold or offered for long-term rental by the business. The car dealers must also display this information through posters or digital screens.

Marketing is also affected by the new law.

“Advertisements for new passenger cars must contain information on fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions for the car models to which the advertisement refers,” writes the Riksdag.

As a consumer, you are thus influenced to the extent that you can now make even more informed choices when buying or long-term rental a car.

READ MORE: The laws that can ruin the driving holiday – risk of heavy fines
