Last fall reported News24 about a new law that came into force at the turn of the year. This applies to USB-C, which will become the common charging standard within the EU.
In the past, different mobile phones required different chargers. For example, the iPhone has long had its own “Lightning” charging type, but Apple has been forced to phase it out in favor of USB-C.
The law entered into force on December 28, 2024, and now no phones without USB-C charging may be manufactured in Sweden and the rest of the EU.
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Photo: Katharina Kausche/TTAll portable electronics affected by the law
But it is not only mobile phones that are covered by the new law.
It applies to all portable electronics. The aim is for consumers to be able to have a single charger for all electronic products, for the sake of simplicity and the environment.
In addition to mobile phones, the following products are covered by the rules:
All products above must, as of December 28, 2024, be manufactured with USB-C charging. However, products that were manufactured before the law entered into force may still be sold.
Laptops are also covered by the law, but only from 28 April 2026.
Wireless headphones are covered by the law. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT
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Other new rules for chargers
There are also three other rules regarding charging and chargers that manufacturers, importers and distributors within the EU must comply with, according to The Swedish Post and Telecommunications Board:
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