New law comes into force today – it will be illegal to say

New law comes into force today it will be

On July 1, 2024, a total of nine new laws entered into force. News24 has previously written about the mentioned law which means that entrepreneurs no longer need to save physical receipts for possible bookkeeping.

The new law that will make it easier for entrepreneurs

From July 1, it is permitted to take pictures of receipts and save them digitally instead of physically. This method is hoped to be more time-efficient and simplify the administrative work.

“This means a considerable simplification for many companies that will avoid unnecessary administration and unjustified costs. This is high time to adapt these rules to digital developments,” writes the Minister of Justice Gunnar Strommer (M) in a press release.

READ MORE: New law for receipts comes into effect today – they are affected

It’s illegal to say as of July 1

Another law that was introduced on July 1 is that from then on it will be forbidden to deny, excuse or belittle the Holocaust.

People who, despite the new law, choose to deny the holocaust can be sentenced for incitement against a ethnic group.

– Denying or excusing the Holocaust breeds anti-Semitism. It is rarely about ignorance, but about deliberate actions to offend or incite and to reinforce ideas that are against our basic democratic values, said Gunnar Strömmer when the proposal was presented in February this year.


Here are 9 new laws that come into effect on July 1

New parking law affects more people – then you can get rid of the car

The laws that come into force on 1 July 2024

  • Excise duty on gambling is increased from 18 to 22 percent

  • The police may start using wiretapping equipment secretly

  • There will be new rules for the sale of passenger cars

  • People born in 1957 can receive financial compensation

  • It will be easier to evict criminals

  • Receipts and invoices can be saved in digital form only

  • READ MORE: Now the new law comes into effect – here are the packages that are affected
