At the beginning of 2025, a number of new laws came into force. Requirements for sorting textile waste, updating of the patent law and higher salaries for police aspirants are some examples.
In Sweden, some of the new laws have been about sorting waste, which is also on the wallpaper in other European countries.
In Spain, a new law on food waste has entered into force, something that the South Coast has reported. The goal is to reduce food waste and therefore solution has been developed for all parts of the food chain.
In 2023, the food waste was in Spain of as much as 1.2 million tonnes.
Grocery stores in Spain are now encouraged to sell goods that are close to best before and not throw food that have uneven surfaces but are fully edible. Once the grocery stores have decided that some goods can no longer be sold, they must primarily be donated, in the second place as animal feed, compost or biofuel.
However, several major players in the food industry have been positive about the change, writes the newspaperwhich describes the new law as groundbreaking in the EU.
The new law also contains sanctions of up to EUR 100,000, corresponding to over SEK 1 million. However, criticism has been directed at the law as the food waste that comes from consumers, and which is said to be a large proportion of total food waste, is not affected.