New large demonstrations against Netanyahu

The protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government continue.

In Jerusalem, the association Forum for Hostages has gathered thousands of people outside the Israeli parliament Knesset for a demonstration that organizers say will last for four days.

– Keeping power is all he cares about. Let the state burn, it’s the power that counts, opposition leader Yair Lapid told the crowd.

Until now, the association Forum for Hostages and Missing Families has avoided condemning the government in its demonstrations, according to The Times of Israel.

Tent camp

But Netanyahu abandoned the hostages on October 7 and has failed to reach an agreement, claims Einav Zangauker, mother of hostage Matan Zangauker.

– Since you constantly engage in sabotaging a settlement, we have realized that you are the obstacle to the settlement, she said in a speech in Jerusalem on Saturday evening.

– You are the obstacle. You are the one who stands between us and our loved ones returning home.

Now the protest movement is also setting up a tent camp outside the Israeli parliament Knesset, reports Haaretz and describes the action as the most significant since Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on October 7.

Netanyahu to counterattack

The Prime Minister himself responded to the protesters in a televised speech on Sunday evening.

– I’m working to get the hostages home, not to make it look like I’m making an effort, he said and went on a counterattack against those who want to see a new election.

– An election would paralyze the negotiations and end the war without us achieving our goals. And the first to welcome it would be Hamas, he says according to The Times of Israel

The protests were also large on Saturday evening, when tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest against the government. In Tel Aviv, between 10 and 20 participants were arrested, according to Israeli media.
