New iOS 16 Can Break The CAPTCHA Barrier!

iOS 16 Apples iPhone 14 Software Introduced Today

Many websites use it to prove that users are not bots. CAPTCHA using the barrier. Of course, this effort improves cybersecurity, but it can be quite annoying at times. However, there is good news for iPhone users; too much annoying CAPTCHA You won’t have to deal with it. because iOS 16allows users to access supported apps and websites. CAPTCHAs will let him skip A new feature will come.

appleiOS16, iPadOS 16 and macOSIt will promise a new feature for a called Automatic Verification. This feature, some websites and applications; actually CAPTCHA It lets you know you’re a human without having to figure it out.

The report states that Apple is releasing this feature as part of WWDC 2022; He claims to explain the details of how it will work in a developer video. This feature Apple ID > Password & Security > Automatic Verification under Settings.

Apple, when you enable this new feature; iCloud’s device and Apple ID will automatically and privately verify your account so that it can be found in apps and websites; CAPTCHA claims to eliminate the need to complete verifications.
