New information: Rickard Andersson shot at the police for two minutes

At 12.40, seven minutes after the first alarm about the mass shooting, the first police patrols entered the Risbergska campus in Örebro. Three minutes later, at 12.43, they were shot by the perpetrator.

Then Rickard Andersson fired only two additional shots, the police established at a press conference last week.

“A shotgun that has not met any person and another shot that ended the perpetrator’s life,” said Niclas Hallgren, Deputy Regional Police Chief Bergslagen.

Hear eleven bangs

SVT News has taken part in films from within a toilet at school. There are eleven bangs from 12.43.21 to 12.45.02. According to police, this shot was directed at police patrols in place.

“Based on the situation we have today, there is every reason to believe that all these shots are directed at the police and no one else,” the Bergslagen police wrote to SVT.

During the nearly two -minute period, the fire was not answered.

“The police could not release shots safely and with the opportunity to meet the suspect,” said Deputy Commanding Manager Emelie Bodegrim at the press conference.

She described it as “the police were met by a chaotic situation” with, among other things, smoke development.

Found in classrooms

In the clip from the toilet, which continues to 12.46.38, no more bangs are heard. But according to the police, the perpetrator ended his own life at 12.45.

“The last two shots, where the perpetrator first fires a shot that does not hit anyone and one where he takes his life, takes place in a classroom with closed fire doors,” the police write, and thinks that is an explanation for the shots not being heard.

At 13.40, Rickard Andersson was found dead inside the classroom. At his body were three weapons and unused ammunition.

At that time, the police still searched for more possible perpetrators and only at 15.31 did healthcare professionals go into the building, according to the healthcare manager’s event report. Soon it was found that: “No injured found. Nine deceased indoors. Two directly adjacent to the entrance outdoors ”.
