New information came for the canceled Apple car project

New information came for the canceled Apple car project

It has been in the works for a long time Apple electric car The project was completely canceled in the past weeks. had done.

Apple The automobile project (called Project Titan within the company) has been making noise for years, and it was known that things were generally not going well in the project. Thereupon came some not-so-surprising information: Bloomberg announced that the company canceled its automobile project. The majority of the teams working on the vehicle have reportedly been shifted to productive artificial intelligence work (iOS 18 will be very strong in this regard). As we have learned before, the technology giant, He spent more than 10 billion dollars for the automobile project he canceled. While the amount of money spent on large-scale R&D studies, as well as thousands of Apple engineers and automobile experts working on the project, attracted much attention, Apple was in talks with Elon Musk to purchase Tesla (This has come up before. In 2020, Apple CEO Tim Cook met with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, but did not accept the purchase.) and it was also brought to the agenda that he was planning to use Siri instead of a steering wheel for the car.


According to new information Apple for the production of the vehicle He worked very seriously with Mercedes-Benz and held meetings for months. At one point, Mercedes-Benz considered producing both Apple’s vehicle and its own vehicles centered on the autonomous driving system developed by the company. However, this partnership was later canceled. Because Apple executives thought the company could produce a car on its own.. A break from production ford The technology giant, which is stated to have held meetings with the McLaren He was very close to purchasing the company. Production cost approx. 120 thousand dollars The vehicle estimated to be has become history at the last stage, most likely never to come to the table again.
