New information about the Nord Stream attack

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According to new information, it may be a pro-Ukrainian group that was behind the explosion on the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Zelensky’s spokesperson says they are absolutely not involved. Now the attack diver Patrik Hulterström is commenting on the information – he believes that it could be true.

The new information about the Nord Stream sabotage comes from anonymous intelligence sources and has been published in the New York Times.

According to the information, the team that deployed the explosive devices consisted of five men – a captain, two divers and two assistant divers – as well as a female doctor. All of unknown nationality with fake passports. They are said to have rented a boat from a Ukrainian-owned company, and left the harbor in Rostock, Germany, on September 6. The boat, which is said to have been rented by a Polish-registered company, has been searched and traces of explosives have been found on board.

Patrik Hulterström, attack diver and doctoral student in military science at the Swedish Defense Academy, believes that the information is not particularly remarkable and he believes that an operation like this could be carried out by only six people.

– I would say that it is possible – but that there is some kind of minimal limit, he says.

Furthermore, Hulterström believes that it is not that huge to carry out an operation like this.

– Diving becomes more difficult at these depths, so it requires special skills and special equipment to be able to perform. But once you have located the line, you can relatively easily drop charges along it to the location, he says.

There is no evidence that the Ukrainian government knew about or ordered the sabotage. This is stated by both the German investigators and the sources for the New York Times. Russia’s UN envoy is now demanding that the UN open an international investigation into the incident.

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