New housing development announced for Dresden

New housing development announced for Dresden

With more than 40 homes planned for the first phase, a new housing development is in the works for Dresden.

The DeMall Group announced its latest project, called Rolling Acres, with an open house held Friday. The group consists of Krista and Kerry Mall, and Kim and Dave Depencier,

Also on hand were Mayor Darrin Canniff, members of council, Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP Monte McNaughton, and Chatham-Kent economic development and tourism officials.

The new subdivision will be made up of custom-built homes, with officials adding that Dresden is a short drive to Chatham, and close to Sarnia, London and Windsor.

“I grew up in Dresden, and I love to be able to have a hand in building up the town that raised me,” Dave Depencier, president of DeMall Group, said in a release.

“I’ve been a custom home builder for 25 years and chose to develop subdivisions within my own small community. I’m proud to be part of the growth happening right here in my own backyard.”

The first phase consists of the construction of 41 homes, including 24 semi-detached and 17 detached bungalow-style homes.

In the proposed second phase, the group plans to add a community park next to the development, featuring scenic walking trails, outdoor squash courts and playground equipment.

“I’m an immigrant to Canada. I had a lot of choices when I was considering a place to reside,” Kerry Mall, group treasurer, said.

“I found a place to call home in Dresden and love everything about it. The community has been extremely welcoming. It’s a small town with so much to offer.”

The DeMall Group was established by two families who are active community members of Dresden: the Depencier family and the Mall family.

Their goal is to build quality homes while also giving back to the community.

“We grew up here and we’ve also chosen to raise our family here. My children went to the same public and high school that I did,” Kim Depencier, marketing director, said.

“Dresden has so much to offer for young families in terms of sports and activities, along with the safety of a small town.”

Mayor Darrin Canniff noted that such investments “show growth is happening all over” Chatham-Kent.

“Developers know that choosing CK for their projects is an investment in an expanding community, one that’s on the rise,” he said.

“Chatham-Kent’s communities have so much to offer, and their reputations as great places to live, work and invest are reaching a wider audience.”


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