New Horizon game in concept stage

New Horizon game in concept stage

Guerilla Games stated that the new Horizon game is in the concept stage and hints are placed at the end of Forbidden West.

The new Horizon game will definitely come, according to producer Guerilla Games, but the game is currently in the concept stage. Guerilla Games’ creative director, Mathijs de Jonge, stated that Horizon Forbidden West ends with hints about the third game of the series, just as Horizon: Zero Dawn gave hints before Forbidden West.

There are many options on the table for the story of the new Horizon game

Mathijs de Jonge used the following statements in an interview with VG247:

“Forbidden West ends with a surprise on which we will build the story of the next game. The story of the Horizone universe is based on unraveling the mysteries of the old world and the current world of the game. Of course, there are loads of background stories we can craft and new mysteries we can craft from the story at hand.”

The situation that Jonge is talking about happened when he moved from Horizon’s first game, Zero Dawn, to Forbidden West. Jonge continued his words as follows:

“There are also stories from the Old World that we want to cover. So we’ve got a lot to cover, what we need to do is how to blend all this material with Aloy’s character development.”

Horizon Forbidden West, which was released in February, was impressive with its review scores.
