New “High-performance renovation” boost for single-family homes

New High performance renovation boost for single family homes

This device is aimed at owners of individual houses who have decided to drastically reduce their energy bill via a bunch of work. This is a simplified procedure, reserved for the time being for mainland France. In particular, the operations included in an EEC application file submitted from 1er next July.

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The work in question falls within the framework of the standardized operation sheet CEE BAR-TH-164 ” Renovation of an individual house”. They also concern roof insulation, walls and floorsthat the replacement Windows or the heating system. The goal is to achieve a reduction of at least 55% in consumption annual in primary energy on the positions of heatingcooling and production ofhot water.

Who do I contact to apply?

The file is to be submitted to an organization that has signed the charter “Help for efficient renovation of a single-family house”. The signatories are mainly energy distributors or the companies they delegate. A study is carried out beforehand to know the thermal characteristics of the building and to recommend a set of suitable responses. Those improvement works must be carried out on an estimate, with an invoice, by one or more professionals holding the RGE label.

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“High-performance renovation” refers to the simplified procedure for undertaking overall renovation work on your home aimed at significantly reducing your energy consumption: insulation, heating, windows… © Thermiconseil

What are the premium amounts? How to perceive it?

The financial incentive is established on the basis of the standardized sheet, taking into account the consumption annualfinal energy saved. The sums are expressed in euros per megawatt hour, according to the following minimum values ​​and the nature of the operations undertaken.

  • Improvement works allowing an annual primary energy consumption not exceeding 110 KWh/m2 : €350/MWh for low-income households, €250/MWh for other categories.
  • For other eligible operations, the sums allocated are respectively 250 and 200 KWh/m2.

The payment is ensured by the signatory of the charter having validated the file. It can be made by check or bank transfer, deducted from the final invoice or in any other form agreed at the time of the contract.

What you must remember

  • It is recommended to compare the offers of the signatories of the charter, which can be consulted on the web. The beneficiary can only sign an estimate after having accepted the offer in good and due form.

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