New group will make the fighter pilots stop

New group will make the fighter pilots stop

Published: Just now

FULL SCREEN A joint group will try to stop the flight of fighter pilots from the Armed Forces. Stock Photography. Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT

Many of the air force’s fighter pilots are about to take leave to switch to civilian occupations. Now the Armed Forces and trade unions are forming a joint group to get the pilots to stop through negotiations.

According to Dagens Nyheter, about 40 of the Air Force’s more than 100 fighter pilots are on their way away, in the middle of a serious security situation with Russia’s offensive war against Ukraine.

Now the Swedish Armed Forces and the trade unions Saco-S FM and the Officers’ Union have agreed to set up a development group to be able to keep the pilots.

One thing the pilots were annoyed with is the retirement age, which was raised significantly in 2016.

According to a press release, the newly formed group will “work with areas that ensure the Armed Forces’ personnel supply of pilots in the short and long term, initially with priority to work with the issue of transitional rules for pilots”.

Areas that will be included in the longer term are salary and pension terms, career development and education, according to the press release.

The group will be activated next week.

The parties also agree that the Armed Forces will immediately call on the Employers’ Agency and that Saco-S FM will move to the central level in Saco-S, on a mandate to be able to start negotiating transitional rules regarding the pension agreement for pilots.
