new funding for public broadcasting debated in the Assembly

new funding for public broadcasting debated in the Assembly

While the debates are progressing slowly on the bill on purchasing power, the French deputies are preparing for new passes of arms concerning the amending budget expected at the end of the week. Among the flagship measures, the abolition of the fee which finances public broadcasting (of which RFI is a part). Faced with the fears aroused, the presidential camp is proposing a new financing solution.

Finished the annual 138 euros billed to television owners. Welcome to the financing of public broadcasting via VAT. After some trial and error, this is the option chosen by the government and the presidential alliance.

Quentin Bataillon, Renaissance deputies and co-author of the amendment on the subject: ” It’s something that is very safe, the system of VAT fractions, it’s things that are also used for other types of budgets that we want to protect. It is in any case a solution for which we already have support from other political groups. »

And especially that of the Republicans. Véronique Louwagie, MP Les Républicains: “ The question of financing by VAT is an answer in any case, which initially ensures independence and which can perhaps prepare for another reflection. In any case, it is a first guarantee given the urgency of the situation, because really, we had no answer on the technical methods. »

Very different story at the National Rally. Jean-Philippe Tanguy, number two of the group in the Assembly: ” The fee money will be taken from the VAT pocket. It’s even more unfair since the VAT is paid by all French people while the license fee at least was paid by those who watched television. »

Disappointment also on the left, who would have preferred to maintain a fee, but adapted to household income. This new financing mechanism is however likely to evolve, we recognize in the presidential camp, in particular to adapt to inflation.
