See the mysterious light phenomenon
Three news you must not miss:
New flood alarm in Jönköping
New flood alarm in Jönköping
It reports the echo.
Record -high support for the EU
The measurement was made in January. Photo: Wiktor Nummelin/TT
Record -high support for the EU
More EU citizens than ever before see membership as positive, according to a new survey for the European Parliament.
74 percent of those surveyed in the latest so -called Eurobarometer believe that their countries have benefited from being part of the EU. This has been an increase of four percentage points since last year and the highest figure since the first time was asked in 1983.
Of the Swedes surveyed, 79 percent believe that Sweden has benefited from joining the EU. Available in Bulgaria.
Broken car windows at hospitals
Broken car windows at hospitals
During the night, someone has crushed several car windows both inside and outside the hospital in Västerås. In total, there are four cars.
A window pane for one of the hospital buildings has also been crushed.
Woman has abused man
Woman has abused man
The police have been alerted about a brawl between a woman and a man at an address in Växjö.
The woman has abused the man with some kind of sharp object. The man has received minor injuries.
The two have, or have had, a close relationship with each other. The woman has been arrested for serious abuse.
Frontal crash south of Branäs
Frontal crash south of Branäs
Two passenger cars have frontal crashed on national highway 62 south of Branäs, writes NWT.
The road is completely off.
Man death after drain in seoul
Man death after drain in seoul
On a highway with six files in South Korea’s capital, a 20 meter wide drain hole suddenly arose.
A man on a motorcycle fell into the hole and was later declared death by local authorities, reports the BBC.
Another person was injured in conjunction with the abrasive hole arose and being taken to hospital.
Accommodation is encouraged to boil the water in Karlskoga
Accommodation is encouraged to boil the water in Karlskoga
Everyone who lives in Karlskoga, and is connected to the municipal water network, is encouraged to boil all water before drinking it.
The reason is that it is a water leak that was discovered during Tuesday night.
The boiling recommendation is valid until further notice, writes Karlskoga Energi and Environment in a press release.
Israeli flight attack against Syria
Israeli flight attack against Syria
Israel has conducted flight attacks against two military bases in Syria, says the Israeli military.
“A little while ago, the Israeli military struck against the military capability that remains in the military bases Tad wall and T4,” IDF said in a statement.
Since the Islamic HTS movement overthrew Bashar al-Assad’s regime in December, Israel has carried out over a hundred attacks on targets on Syrian soil.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has previously said that southern Syria must completely be demilitarized.
Wanted less to do – murdered their patients
Wanted less to do – murdered their patients
A nurse in Germany has been brought to trial suspicion of murdering nine patients who were cared for at the end of life.
The 44-year-old man worked with palliative care at a hospital in the city of Würsel in the western parts of the country.
Prosecutors claim that the nurse injected a total of 26 patients with high doses of morphine and Midazolam, and that nine of them died as a result of this. Midazolam is a muscle -relaxed drug that is sometimes used in executions in the United States.
The crimes must have been committed between December 2023 and May 2024. His motive was to reduce his workload during the night pass, according to prosecutors.
Hyundai billions of the United States
US President Donald Trump along with Louisiana’s governor Jeff Landry and representatives of Hyundai in the White House on Monday. Photo: AP/TT
Hyundai billions of the United States
South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai will invest $ 21 billion in the United States over a four -year period, the company announces.
The package, which corresponds to more than SEK 210 billion, includes, among other things, a new steel mill in Louisiana, which according to Hyundai will create 1,300 new jobs in the state.
The car manufacturer is the latest in the line of large companies that roll out multi -billion initiatives in the United States since Donald Trump took over as president in January.
Clear: No heighten age limit for A-Tractor
15-year-olds may take a driver’s license for A-tractor in the future. File image. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT
Clear: No heighten age limit for A-Tractor
The European Parliament and EU member states say yes to the continued 15-year limit for A-tractors, says EU MP Johan Danielsson (S).
Negotiations lasted late on Tuesday.
– It is good that we get an agreement in place that enables Sweden to keep 15 years as an age limit, and at the same time demands proper education with theory and driving tests to strengthen security, says Johan Danielsson.
It is an important win, he points out.
– It is an everyday issue that is important to people. It is important for young people who need the opportunity to move, to have freedom to get to and from friends and football training.
The decision on the age limit is included in a broader settlement on updated driver’s license rules in the EU that were reached after final negotiations in Brussels. Originally, both Parliament and the Council of Ministers were in raising the age limit for the A-tractors to 16 years-but that is not the case.
Police were alerted to school – mistakes
Police were alerted to school – mistakes
The police were alerted that a man armed with a knife was at Valsätraskolan in Uppsala on Monday. When the patrol got there, it all turned out to be part of an exercise for the school staff.
The man wore a knife staircase in his pocket during an exercise at Valsätraskolan, where the staff would practice at the risk of violence.
The school’s cleaning staff had not been informed about the exercise, writes Upsala New Tidning, and alerted the police, who came there with several patrols.
Truck accident at Kungsholmen – one to hospital
Truck accident at Kungsholmen – one to hospital
A car and a truck collided during the evening at Kungsholmen in Stockholm.
The driver complained about pain and was taken to hospital by ambulance.
The truck driver blew positively and is now suspected of gross negligence in traffic, drunk driving and illegal driving.
Calls between the United States and Russia over
An apartment house in Kyiv that was attacked by a Russian drone during the night to Sunday. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/AP/TT
Calls between the United States and Russia over
On Monday, the United States and Russia have held new conversations about a partial ceasefire in the Ukraine war.
Negotiations lasted for over twelve hours – and a joint statement from both countries is expected on Tuesday.
This is stated by the state -controlled Russian news agency Tass.
The talks between the United States and Russia began at a luxury hotel in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyad on Monday morning.
US and Ukraine’s respective delegations met at the same hotel on Sunday. Ukraine Defense Minister Rustem Umjerov described the conversations as productive and said that they dealt with key issues, “including energy”.
The plans for a ceasefire are, at least at this stage, about stopping attacks in or from the Black Sea.
From the Ukrainian side comes information that Ukraine insists on a broader ceasefire, which also includes attacks on electricity grids and other important plants on land.
Mysterious light phenomena in the sky
Photo: Abbe Linden
Mysterious light phenomena in the sky
A light phenomenon confuses readers throughout the country.
It must have appeared in the sky at 21.
– It’s not something I’ve seen before. It is difficult to figure out what it could be, says Lasse Rydqvist, the meteorologist at clear.
It is unclear what it is about, but the explanation seems to be a launch of Space X.
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Full screen Photo: Emma-Sofia Olsson / Schibsted
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