New fee for households – affects the electricity bill

New fee for households affects the electricity bill

A new fee will be added to household electricity bills no later than January 1, 2027. The electricity companies may, however, choose to introduce it earlier if they wish. It is the Energy Market Inspectorate that has decided on this.

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The fee is called the effect fee and is based on how households consume their electricity: If a household has several things connected at the same time, the electricity bill will be higher, but if, on the contrary, they spread out their electricity consumption, they may get a lower electricity bill. P4 Östergötland was the first to report on this.

The aim is for customers to be given incentives to make their electricity consumption more efficient.

The power charge can paradoxically also lower the total electricity bill if the household changes its electricity consumption.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT. So the fee can make your electricity bill cheaper

According to P4 Östergötland, the power fee is only aimed at the electricity consumption that occurs during the peaks, that is, during the time when the electricity grid has the highest load.

Anyone who manages to reduce their electricity consumption below their peaks can therefore get a cheaper electricity bill than before.

– The majority of our customers will receive a reduced fee then, says Jesper Hagbom who is CEO of Tekniska Verken to P4, and continues:

– We have reduced the vast majority of both fixed and variable costs, which means that you have a greater opportunity to influence your costs.

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The electricity grid in Sweden is built to cope with previous peaks, but because electricity consumption is increasing, Sweden’s electricity grid is no longer holding up.

– If you use the internet a lot, it will cost a little more, says Hagbom the channel.

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