New features are available for WhatsApp Communities

New features are available for WhatsApp Communities

New features have been introduced on the Communities side for WhatsApp, the world’s most used instant messaging software.

The official statement from the company about the useful new features was as follows: “Since we launched Communities, we’ve been excited to see how people with common interests — neighborhoods, school associations, hobbyists — use the feature to keep related groups connected and organized. To bring communities closer together, we’re giving people a new way to host events on WhatsApp and introducing organized replies in Announcement Groups so members can respond to important updates from admins. Thanks to Events, it’s now much easier for people to plan get-togethers, such as a virtual meeting or birthday dinner, right on WhatsApp. Anyone can create an event, and other members can respond and notify the entire group of their participation. Guests can also find the event on the group’s information page, and those going to the event will receive automatic notifications when the event time approaches. Events, which are currently available to groups within a Community, will be available to all groups in the coming months. Another innovation is the replies feature we brought to Announcement Groups. Thus, administrators will be able to receive news from their members and you will be able to easily continue to follow what is happening in your Community thanks to these groups.


Replies are grouped and minimized so you can see what others are saying in context, and notifications are muted for everyone. We’ll continue to roll out new features in Communities and groups in the coming months to give people more tools to keep their lives organized on WhatsApp. “We will share more both here and on our WhatsApp Channel, which you can access from the application.”
