New fantasy epic turns legendary hero into villain

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We live in a good time for fantasy fans. House of the Dragon has just started, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will start soon and now a project has also been announced that will become one of the largest German projects for a long time should count: Hagen, a reinterpretation of the Nibelungen saga.

Hagen sounds like a mix between Vikings and Game of Thrones

The Nibelungen Saga is one of them greatest fantasy epics in Germany and Scandinavia and is the perfect example of the classic heroic saga. Constantin Film is now working on a feature film that wants to tell the well-known story from a completely new perspective. In parallel, it will also be in cooperation with RTL a multi-part TV series give. Film and series should primarily differ by a “different narrative perspective”.

House of the Dragon is also about battles and intrigues between nobles

House of the Dragon – S01 Trailer (German subtitles) HD

Cyrill Boss and Philipp Stennert, who were most recently responsible for the TV series Der Pass, will direct Hagen. Nothing is known about the cast and the scriptwriters. In terms of content, we can in all likelihood look forward to brutal fights á la Vikings and lots of intrigues and family entanglements as we know them from Game of Thrones.

Historical fantasy: That’s what the reinterpretation of the Nibelungen saga is all about

The legend revolves primarily around the radiant hero Siegfried, who kills a dragon, conquered the treasure of the Nibelungs and then wanted to marry Kriemhild, the king’s sister. But he only agrees to the marriage if Siegfried helps him to marry the Icelandic Brunhild. A complex undertaking that Siegfried only succeeds with a ruse – and leaves Brunhild ashamed. The warrior Hagen vows to avenge his duped mistressand kills the invincible Siegfried.

However, the new edition of the fantasy epic wants to tell the story differently and is based on the Wolfgang Hohlbein bestseller Hagen von Tronje*. The press release describes the storyline as follows:

Hagen von Tronje, the dark warrior of the Nibelungen saga, becomes a lonely hero in this film. The last Viking, in close relationship with the old gods, stands for courage, loyalty and individual freedom. Siegfried, the most radiant of all heroes and ruler of the Nibelung, appears here as an unscrupulous upstart, as a representative of an authoritarian form of government, based on a new religion, Christianity. When will the Hagen film and series start?

According to the press release, shooting for the German-Czech co-production has started in September 2022. Concrete dates for cinema, TV and streaming start are not yet known. Cast information will follow in the coming weeks.

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Are you looking forward to Hagen?
