New exploit ruins the game – Now fans are worried about Sombra

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Sombra is also likely to end up on Overwatch 2’s “hit list” soon – an exploit is so nasty that the opposing team can hardly win.

It’s been a few weeks since Overwatch 2 was released, but Blizzard Shooter is still plagued by a lot of problems. Another nasty exploit has surfaced that can be exploited to ruin the game for everyone involved. The culprit this time: Sombra.

What is this exploit? The exploit takes place on the Paraiso map and consists of the fact that a Sombra can exploit itself “into the payload” – namely with its translocator. This keeps her protected by the payload, but at the same time she is in contested range, preventing the opposing faction from pushing the payload any further. Victory is then only possible with difficulty.

Why this error occurs is quite questionable. Because on all other maps, the payloads are able to destroy objects created by the players. For example, Torbjörn and Symmetra turrets are destroyed when the payload rolls over them. Actually, that’s the case with Sombra’s Translocator, too, but apparently not on this map.

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What can be done against the exploit? First of all, you can report the player who is exploiting this bug. Because it is almost impossible to cause the error “accidentally”, so it is always cheating or exploiting. In addition, you can try to shoot “under” the payload. This can often still hit the Sombra even if you can’t see it, since its hitbox sticks out a bit below the payload.

Blizzard has been banning characters repeatedly for the past few weeks. Bastion and Torbjörn have had to be removed from the game for a while, and Mei is currently missing as well, as she was able to help move heroes “off the map” to allow unfair advantages.

The concern of many players is now that Sombra will suffer the same fate and will be taken out of the game for the time being. Alternatively, Blizzard could also take the “Paraiso” card out of the rotation for the time being.

Why are the bug fixes taking so long? Many wonder why Blizzard is taking so long to fix bugs like this. Previously, it always took several weeks for an exploit to be fixed and the banned characters to be accessible again. However, this is not because Blizzard takes so long to fix the bug, but because of another circumstance: Patches for the Xbox and PlayStation versions of games first have to be approved and authorized by Microsoft and Sony. This process can take several weeks.

Since Overwatch 2 relies on crossplay, all versions of the game must function consistently – so simply bringing the PC patch “right away” is also an option. The only solution left then is to disable a hero or map on the server side until the next patch.

Do you always diligently report such exploits? Have you seen other problems of this type?
