New epidemic concern: Mysterious hepatitis took life in Europe!

1652367415 New epidemic concern Mysterious hepatitis took life in Europe

It was reported that a child died in Ireland due to mysterious hepatitis (liver inflammation). On the other hand, the Irish Health Services Administration (HSE) confirmed that mysterious hepatitis was detected in 6 children.

A spokesperson from HSE shared the information that the children were between the ages of 1 and 12 and were all hospitalized.

A second child who was treated for the disease also received a liver transplant.


The World Health Organization (WHO), in a statement on May 10, reported that the hepatitis virus of unknown origin, which emerged in England and subsequently seen in many countries, has infected a total of 348 people so far.

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) also announced yesterday that the total number of cases reported worldwide is about 450.

It is suspected that the hepatitis virus of unknown origin, which emerged in the UK last month and spread to 20 countries in a short time, may lead to a new global epidemic after Kovid-19.



The latest US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on May 6 that the virus was seen in more than 100 children in 25 states, and 5 children had died due to the virus so far.

Indonesian Ministry of Health also announced that 14 cases were seen in the country and 4 children died.

The virus, which has symptoms such as jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain, is seen in children aged 1 month to 16 years. (AA)
