New dog law comes into force in 2024 – affects 260 owners in Sweden

Are you the owner of a furry friend? Then you are not alone.

Having a dog is both loving and pleasant, but it can sometimes also be necessary. Above all, if you need a guide dog that helps make everyday life easier.

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The new dog laws – so many are affected

On November 15, Sweden’s Riksdag decided that the Visually Impaired Confederation (SRF) should no longer be responsible for guide dog operations in Sweden. Instead, the responsibility is shifted to the Danish Agency for Participation (MFD), which will be responsible for who can and should have a guide dog, says MDF in a press release.

“Guide dogs will be a completely new area of ​​activity for us at MFD and we look forward to, together with those who work in the business, but also those who are guide dog handlers, driving and developing it forward. Guide dogs are an invaluable support in everyday life for severely visually impaired people and means that you can participate independently in society. It feels like a great trust to be able to continue working with this important effort,” says the authority’s director general Malin Ekman Aldén in the press release.

Today there are around 260 guide dogs in the country and with the change in the law, which comes into force on 1 April 2024, they will also be responsible for who has the right to a guide dog, organize training and provide support to those who have a guide dog.

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