New dimension in tension! Critical visit to Taiwan

New dimension in tension Critical visit to Taiwan

A new US Congressional delegation arrived on the Island 12 days after the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, which sparked tensions with China.

In a statement made by the American Institute, which is the de facto embassy of the USA in Taiwan, a delegation of 5 people led by Democratic Party Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey visited the island as part of their Asian tour.

“The delegation will hold talks with senior officials on U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade, investment and other issues,” the statement said.

Markey is accompanied by Republican House of Representatives Aumua Amata Coleman and Democrat House of Representatives John Garamendi, Alan Lowenthal and Don Beyer.

The visit of Pelosi and the congress delegation of 5 people on 2 and 3 August drew the reaction of Beijing, which sees the island as a part of its territory. After the visit, China started military exercises around the island.


The exercises carried out in 6 regions had created a de facto blockade around the island. During exercises using real weapons and ammunition, guided missiles fired from mainland China fell into the waters near Taiwan.

The army spokesman announced that the exercises were completed on August 10, but stated that the military patrol activity in the Taiwan Strait would continue.

Pelosi became the first Speaker of the US House of Representatives to visit the island, which is in a sovereignty conflict with China, in 25 years. Earlier in 1997, Newt Gingrich had visited Taiwan while on this mission.

By adopting the “one China principle”, Beijing opposes Taiwan’s establishing independent diplomatic relations with the countries of the world, its representation in the UN and other international organizations, and stipulates that the countries that recognize it should sever their diplomatic relations with Taiwan. (AA)
