New details for Dying Light 2 first DLC pack

New details for Dying Light 2 first DLC pack

New details have been shared by data miners for the first major DLC pack to come for Dying Light 2. It is said to take on the gladiator theme.

First major DLC coming for Dying Light 2 The details of the package were revealed by data miners. As discovered by YouTube user Bub, this expansion will add a new location to the game, as well as new scenario content. At the same time, the new expansion pack will take the theme of the gladiator era and possibly include gladiator combat in it.

First DLC for Dying Light 2 will address the gladiator theme

Some information obtained through data mining method says that several new NPCs will come to the game, while the dialogues and story flow focus on a gladiator battle. The biggest focus of the new DLC pack will be this gladiator war.

Part of the new expansion will take place in a grand opera house. The image of this building, whose textures have not been uploaded yet, has appeared and contains some details. I leave the image of this place called “Astrid Opera” below for you.

Along with this opera house, new locations such as churches and metro stations will also appear in Dying Light 2 DLC. His story will have over 2000 voiced dialogues and will have two different endings. Players will progress through the story by participating in arena challenges and elevating themselves with their achievements. Of course, these struggles will be in the form of both war and parkour. Already Dying Light 2 is a production that stands out from other zombie games with its parkour feature.

As you know, the first DLC pack for the game was delayed in May. According to the development roadmap, the Dying Light 2 DLC pack may appear between September and November. Unfortunately, no official release date has been announced yet.
