new demonstration to protest against legislative fraud

new demonstration to protest against legislative fraud

New mobilization, this Wednesday, December 27, 2023, in the Serbian capital to denounce fraud during the legislative elections on December 17. According to official results, the president’s right-wing nationalist party won the vote with 46% of the vote, compared to 23.5% of the vote for the opposition coalition. But this denounces fraudulent maneuvers having tainted the sincerity of the vote.

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Tension remains as high as ever in Serbia, despite the authorities’ decision to organize new votes on December 30, 2023 in 30 of the country’s 8,000 polling stations. The main opposition coalition, seven members of which are on hunger strike, continues to demand the cancellation of the vote, while student organizations demand a review of the electoral lists, which are believed to be at the origin of the fraud observed by foreign observers.

In the afternoon, it was the students, already very present in the mobilizations in recent days, who gathered again demanding the electoral lists. In the evening, at the call of the main opposition coalition, a new procession roamed the streets of the Serbian capital to demand the cancellation of the December 17 elections. The gathering place was the headquarters of the electoral commission. Then the protesters marched towards the premises of the national radio and television. No overflows have been reported.

Four protesters sentenced

For their part, the authorities do not seem ready to give in and are showing their determination in the face of acts which, according to them, would be fomented from abroad. An analysis shared by Moscow, an ally of Serbia and especially close to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who has also warned those responsible for these unrest that they could be judged.

Earlier in the day, a Belgrade court sentenced four arrested protesters to 30 days in prison for “ violent behavior during a public gathering “. Six others were placed under house arrest. On Sunday evening, demonstrators tried to enter Belgrade town hall. But these convictions are seen by some opponents as attempts at intimidation on the part of the authorities.

The opposition is already looking towards the end of the week. Hundreds of his supporters announced they wanted to blockade the capital on Friday. A blockage that they will only lift the next day to allow participation in a large protest rally.

Read alsoElections in Serbia: the opposition still denounces fraud and maintains pressure in the streets
