New decision on nuclear power at Ringhals and Forsmark – reactors to be operated until the 2060s

Now an in-depth investigation phase awaits to review how it will be possible to extend the operating time and how much it might cost.

It is estimated that it will be about SEK 40-50 billion to extend the total life span from the current 60 years to 80 years.

– The feasibility study that was carried out shows that it is economically efficient to use investments that have already been made and that contribute to an electricity system with low carbon dioxide emissions, says Björn Linde, CEO of Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB and Ringhals AB in a press release.

The five reactors at Forsmark and Ringhals were commissioned between 1980 and 1985.

Statliga Vattenfall is the majority owner.

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How did it start? What happened then? What happens now? See the news pictures from different parts of Ringhals nuclear power plant’s history. Photo: TT/SVT/COLLAGE
