New cure recipe from İbrahim Saracoğlu! It cuts a dry cough with a splash

New cure recipe from Ibrahim Saracoglu It cuts a dry

Dry cough complaint increased with the arrival of winter months. Those struggling with the disease also show great interest in herbal remedies. prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu explained the recipe that is good for dry cough. Specialist Prof. Dr. In the live broadcast of the Healthy Life program with Saraçoğlu, he answered the question, “My wife has a cough for a month and is producing phlegm. She went to the hospital, they gave antibiotics, but the cough did not stop. What should I do? She used the herbal a lot, but it did not go away”.

Saraçoğlu said, “Tere, do not forget this. You will consume 6, 7 leaf stalks and fresh cress. It clears up phlegm. Kids can use it too.” said. Saraçoğlu also explained that marshmallow flower and oat straw are good for dry cough and bronchitis. Here are the cure recipes:

Oat Straw

Add 1 teaspoon of oat straw to 1 glass of boiling water. It is infused for 5 minutes with the lid closed and filtered while hot. It is consumed half an hour before breakfast.


Mallow blossom

Add 1 pinch of marshmallow to 1 glass of boiling water or milk. It is boiled for 5 minutes on low heat with the lid closed and filtered while hot. It is consumed half an hour after lunch and dinner twice a day.


Andiz Molasses

Consume 1 tablespoon once a day, in the morning, at noon or in the evening. Diabetics can use propolis instead of molasses.
