New Covid France measures: calendar, gauge, vaccination pass…

New Covid France measures calendar gauge vaccination pass

COVID ANNOUNCEMENTS. Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Véran unveiled a timetable for the gradual lifting of restrictions from February 2. Mask, vaccination pass, 3rd dose for 12-17 year olds, teleworking… What are the new measures and announcements? Are we heading towards a way out of the crisis?

[Mis à jour le 21 janvier 2022 à 16h05] Telework, entry of the vaccination pass, discos, large gatherings… Jean Castex announced a “precise timetable” for the gradual easing of restrictions in France, during a press conference which took place this Thursday, January 20 at 7 p.m. and which was broadcast on TV, in the presence of Olivier Véran. This discourse occurs in a context of stabilization of the health situation, particularly in hospitals and the number of new coronavirus positive cases. “The wave linked to the Delta variant is in clear ebb everywhere. The wave caused by Omicron (“much more contagious but much less serious”) begins to mark time, particularly in Ile-de-France where the decline is now engaged, said Jean Castex during the press conference on January 20. Nevertheless, “make no mistake, the health situation is still tense, insisted Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson at the exit of the Health Defense Council this Thursday morning. If we hope, as some scientists indicate, that Omicron peak is approaching, we note in intensive care a decrease of 15% critical care admissions.” “The worst-case scenario is moving away, the decline has begun. On the other hand, the patients will stay in the hospital, we can expect that the hospitals remain very busy throughout the month of February” predicted Professor Arnaud Fontanet, epidemiologist at the Institut Pasteur, on France Inter Monday January 17. The start of the year was marked by the return of restrictions : stricter test protocol at school, reinforcement of teleworking in companies, wearing a mask compulsory from the age of 6, return of gauges in major events, ban on standing concerts…

Calendar: what are the new announcements?

Jean Castex and Olivier Véran hold a press conference on Thursday January 20, 2022. The opportunity for the government to take stock of the health situation and to reveal a “precise timetable for the gradual lifting of the last measures” in France, announced Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, at the exit of the Health Defense Council. This agenda of new measures – which should concern teleworking, the reopening of nightclubs, major events, the entry of the vaccination pass, the postponement of the baccalaureate exams – will complete the latest announcements in force. Here is the schedule for the easing of restrictions

From Monday 24 January:

  • the health pass becomes the vaccination pass from the age of 16 to access bars, restaurants, places of leisure, long-distance transport… The health pass is maintained for children aged 12 to 15 and to access medical and medico-social establishments (Ehpad, hospital, retirement homes, etc.), informed Jean Castex from the outset. The vaccine pass can be activated from the first injection for people receiving a first dose before February 15, subject to a second dose within 28 days. Seized by the oppositions, the Constitutional Council has validated January 21 the essence of the bill on the vaccination pass except the possibility for organizers of political rallies to require a health pass from participants. The question around identity checks by cafetiers or restaurateurs has been validated.
  • Opening of the vaccination booster for 12-17 year olds (without obligation). Vaccination of 5-11 year olds must also progress.

From Wednesday 2 February:

  • Abolition of gauges in establishments that welcome the seated public, with the wearing of a mask (seated sporting and cultural places)
  • End of wearing the mask outside
  • Easing of teleworking (end of compulsory teleworking in companies, but it remains recommended)

From Wednesday 16 February:

  • Authorization of consumption in stadiums, cinemas and transport and consumption standing in bars and cafes
  • Resumption of standing concerts
  • Reopening of nightclubs

Back from the February school holidays, a reduction of school protocol (lifting the wearing of the mask or the question of the number of tests or self-tests to be carried out)

What new measures for the gauges?

From Wednesday February 2, Jean Castex announced the abolition of gauges in establishments which welcome the seated public, with the wearing of a mask (seated sporting and cultural places).

What are the new measures for the mask?

For now, thewearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6 in public places and in internal public transport. But also by decision of the prefects in certain cities (very busy places, flea markets, fairs, around stations, etc.) Jean Castex indicated this Thursday January 20 that the obligation to wear a mask was going to be lifted outside on January 2. February. At school, wearing a mask could be reduced after the February holidays.

What are the latest measures for travel?

The government is relaxing the sanitary measures at the borders with the United Kingdom for vaccinated people from January 14: all travellers, vaccinated or not, must present a negative test (PCR or antigenic test) less than 24 hours. For vaccinated travellers, there is no no more obligation to justify a compelling reason to come to France, nor an obligation to respect a period of isolation upon arrival in the national territory. Arrival screenings may be conducted at arrival locations. In the event of a positive result, the traveler will be placed in solitary confinement. For unvaccinated travellers, travel from or to the United Kingdom is authorized subject to being able to justify a compelling reason valid for the “red” countries. Likewise, the vaccinated travelers no longer have to show a compelling reason to leave French territory for the United Kingdom.

What are the latest measures for the vaccine booster?

  • The eligibility period for the booster vaccination against Covid-19 is reduced to three months in accordance withopinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS) . It now only takes 3 months after a 2and injection or after having the Covid to be able to benefit from a booster dose.
  • From January 24: opening of the vaccination booster for 12-17 year olds (without obligation).
  • Jean Castex indicated on January 20 that it was necessary to reinforce the vaccination of 5-11 year olds. Pharmacists are now authorized to vaccinate this age group.

What are the latest measures for the vaccination pass?

On Friday, January 21, the Constitutional Council has validated the essence of the bill on the vaccination pass except the possibility for organizers of political rallies to require a health pass from participants. The question around identity checks by cafetiers or restaurateurs has been validated. Thus, on January 24, the health pass becomes the vaccination pass from the age of 16 to access bars, restaurants, places of leisure, long-distance transport… The health pass is maintained for children aged 12 to 15 and to access medical and medico-social establishments (Ehpad, hospital, retirement homes, etc.), informed Jean Castex from the outset. The vaccine pass can be activated from the first injection for people receiving a first dose before February 15, subject to a second dose within 28 days.

What are the latest measures for teleworking?

Currently, the telecommuting is mandatory (when possible) for all employees on the basis of three days minimum per week and four days when possible. The same will apply to public servants. However, Jean Castex clarified that from Wednesday February 2, there would be a “relief of teleworking”. In other words, from February 2, there will no longer be compulsory telework in companies, but it remains recommended, with aminimum number of three teleworking days per week, for positions that allow it” can we read in the protocol national level to ensure the health and safety of employees in the company in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic, updated on January 3, 2022. In addition, the protocol indicates employees with contact cases or with symptoms suggestive of Covid must stay at home. In the office, each employee must be able to have a space allowing him to respect the rule of physical distancing of at least one meter in relation to any other person (e.g. other employee, customer, user, service provider, etc.) associated with wearing a mask. The moments of conviviality bringing together face-to-face employees in a professional setting are suspended.

What are the latest measures for protocol at school?

The health protocol at school was simplified on January 10, 2022 as specified on the website of theNational Education : contact case students stay at school until the time of the school outing, 3 self-tests on D0, D2 and D4 are sufficient and can be collected free of charge from the pharmacy, only 1 sworn statement is to be provided by the parents at the end of the 1st negative test for a return to class.

What are the latest measures for the curfew?

A curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. is in effect on Reunion Island until Sunday, January 23.


Coronavirus information –

Press conference by Jean Castex, Monday December 27, 2021
