New cost of record -breaking the bathhouse – SEK 60,000 per kirunabo

Now the hope is that the money will be taken from the investment budget and it is also hoped to get money back after the dispute with those responsible for the construction and planning.

– It will be a comprehensive legal process, but the hope is that we will get back some of the money, says Mats Taaveniku (S).

Therefore, another 120 million are needed

The reason for the latest additional budgeting is an under -dimensioned ventilation plant that has been rebuilt for the size of the building. According to Mats Taaveniku, this in turn has affected other parts of the swimming pool that have been rebuilt.

The wishes of the Kiruna before the construction started was a simpler bath with swimming opportunities. The new, record -breaking bathhouse, is an adventure pool equipped with 14 pools.
