Turkish game development company SinginGiant published the New Contain gameplay video with the title “Things are starting to take shape a little”. It really happened.
SinginGiant is getting ready to come up with one of the best local games we’ve seen to date. New Contain gameplay videoIt shows the mission area and many details of the FPS type production.
81-Second New Contain Gameplay Video
In the video titled “Things are starting to take shape a little” published by SinginGiant, we can clearly see the lighting, fog and rain effects of the production, which we expect to open in closed beta and then early access in the coming days. Although it is not our intention to praise the game, it would not be a lie to say that we were very impressed by the graphics and gameplay we saw.
Contain will be released primarily for the PC platform, resembling Rainbow Six-like missions. However, when we talked to the production company, we learned that there may be future versions for console platforms as well.
You can find much more information about the game in our Contain preview article.
Developed using Unreal Engine 5, Contain seems to benefit from all the benefits the game engine offers. Therefore, we can probably expect all the advantages of a powerful graphics engine from the game.
Since the development team has been in the game industry for a long time, we believe that the production will directly meet the demands of the players. Contain may be a turning point in the Turkish Gaming Industry, especially as we foresee that local game companies will be preferred after Steam’s exchange rate adjustment.