New common front for the opposition: paternity leave from 10 days to 5 months

On energy Government gains confidence in the Chamber

(Finance) – It’s the equal leave of mothers and fathers the new front that could once again unite them oppositions in Parliament. After the alliance on the minimum wage, in fact, Democratic party And M5S they are looking for new bases to build a government alternative in view of the European elections. We will start from ad hoc tables to arrive, perhaps, at a unitary proposal on this topic too. A position that would also find support in the labor unions.

“The time has come to introduce compulsory equal paternity leave. Italy has chosen ten days – stated the confederal secretary CGIL, Lara Ghiglione – unlike Spain’s sixteen weeks. It is clear that these few days will not be able to make a difference for the full sharing of family responsibilities and for effectively combating discrimination when entering the world of work, of which women are still victims”.

The M5S senator, Alexandra Maiorino, hoped for a convergence with the other opposition forces to bring forward a proposal that would make Italy take a decisive step forward by equalizing mothers and fathers in care work”. “I think it is one of those things that we can put at the center of a common work. A unitary bill? We are always available”, replied the Equal Opportunities manager of the PD, Cecilia D’Elia.

For the leader of the Green Left Alliance in the Chamber, Luana Zanella, “it would be significant to work together on this issue, it is one of the decisive topics also to encourage female employment and to adapt to European standards. It is now a necessity and not a kind concession from the government of the moment”. “It is good to discuss and converge on this kind of proposals, concrete measures in favor of families and young people beyond the rhetoric – he also supported Richard Magi, secretary of +Europa –. For us it was an objective of the electoral program: an initial mandatory parental leave for both parents plus an optional leave.”

The former minister Elena Bonetti of Action underlined that “we don’t start from scratch. The discussion must be based on a premise: the Family Act provides in article 3 for the increase in compulsory paternity leave and the promotion of equal leave. A law also voted by Lega and FI. The government must keep its commitments.”
