New coffee business opens in downtown Waterford

New coffee business opens in downtown Waterford

When Tim and Erin started thinking about a name for their business they wanted something light, friendly and humorous.

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It didn’t take them long to come up with something that fit the bill.

“It’s quite nice and simple,” Tim explained. “Our last name is Belch and growing up with a name like that you have to develop a sense of humor and learn to play with it a bit.

“So, in the early stages we decided we wanted to make sure our business had a distinct name and personality.”

The result is a brand no one will ever likely forget after hearing it for the first time.

Belching Barista is the name the couple gave to the coffee roastery and tasting bar that opened last week at 13 Alice Street in Waterford.

“Our whole goal is to approach coffee in a fun and slightly new way, inspiring others to explore their curiosity of this beverage that is so widely consumed but most know so little about,” Belch, the company president, said. “We wanted to go against the grain a little bit and avoid the dark solemn, overly serious attributes most businesses associate with the beverage and just be a little more playful.”

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That being said, coffee is a beverage that is more complex and interesting than most think, Belch said.

“Think of the craft beer or wine industries and the huge array of flavours, features and complexities,” Belch said. “Coffee is no different.

“Belching Barista was born out of our curiosity and wondering how hard it was to roast coffee beans.”

Their venture has led them into a whole other fascinating world they didn’t know existed and the business is a way of sharing that with others, Belch said.

The couple has been roasting and selling coffee beans for a few years from their home through porch pick-up or delivery. They have developed a following and believe the time is right to move the business to a physical location with a larger roaster and the addition of a tasting bar.

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At 13 Alice St., the business is located in the heart of the downtown of a growing community. There are a couple of major housing developments planned for the town and the couple believe Belching Barista will appeal to people moving into the community.

The couple source their raw beans directly from farmers who practice sustainable farming and are looking to build long-lasting relationships.

As well, the roasting process used by the couple is powered by Bullfrog Power, a Canadian green energy retailer that offers electricity from renewable resources like wind, solar and hydro.

Plans call for the roastery to be open 7:30 am to 3 pm Tuesday to Saturday.

[email protected]


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