new clashes between Eritreans in Netanya

new clashes between Eritreans in Netanya

Violence between migrants in Israel. Events which are increasing mainly in Tel Aviv where the majority of the 20 thousand asylum seekers live. The far right demands firm measures. Prime Minister Netanyahu proposes the outright expulsion of troublemakers.

1 min

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

These are opponents and supporters of the Eritrean regime who clash. This is happening in south Tel Aviv where the vast majority of asylum seekers live. But the phenomenon also extends to other cities in Israel. This weekend, this was the case in the seaside town of Netanya.

A heavy toll: 2 deaths and dozens of injured within the community. Among the victims also a Sudanese national.

At the beginning of the month, the Israeli metropolis had already been the scene of unprecedented clashes following an event organized in a party hall by the Eritrean embassy. The police fired live ammunition. In all, nearly 150 people were injured.

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu then estimated that a red line had been crossed. And he had advocated the immediate expulsion of all those who had taken part in the riots.

Read alsoIsrael: Police fire live ammunition at Eritrean protesters during clashes
