new clashes between demonstrators and police in Dakar

new clashes between demonstrators and police in Dakar

Tensions took place this Friday, February 9 in Dakar, the capital. New clashes broke out between demonstrators and police. This call to demonstrate against the postponement of the presidential election seems spontaneous.

1 min

With our special correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

The Place de la Nation where the gathering was announced is cordoned off. Barriers, pick-ups and armored vehicles… A large police force is deployed, so it is impossible to approach this place. And it was on the outskirts that clashes broke out in the adjacent streets, notably in the districts of Colobane and Medina with tear gas shots from the police, on one side, young people with stones, burnt tires, on the other.

Young people who say they are angry and very determined, who demand the right to demonstrate. These are mobile groups, we cannot strictly speak of a gathering. “Macky Sall betrayed us, Macky Sall lied to us“, said one of them with a mask over his eyes and the flag in the colors of Senegal, green, yellow, red on his back. “Macky Sall, dictator», launched another. Some also say they regret the absence of opposition leaders on the ground.

This call for demonstration this afternoon seems spontaneous. It circulated widely on social media, but it was not formally launched by any party or organization.

There, black smoke rises around the Place de la Nation. Several streets are blocked, many businesses have closed their doors and the situation remains quite volatile.

This Friday, 14 candidates for the election which was scheduled for February 25 have just filed an appeal before the Supreme Court to request the annulment of President Macky Sall’s decree on the postponement of the election. “An illegal decree”, according to them.

Read alsoPresidential election in Senegal: the debate on the competence of the Constitutional Council is underway
