Briar, the newest champion in League of Legends, has hit the live servers. But her debut win rate is already rivaling the worst of all time. MeinMMO tells you what’s behind it.
On September 13th, the new champion Briar entered the Rift. But she is already struggling with a low win rate, which is not at all unusual for the start. However, it almost breaks a record and attracts the attention of many players with its poor win rate.
You can see an animated video about the new jungler Briar here:
League of Legends Briar – Animated video for the new jungler
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What do the statistics say? The current data from shows that Briar currently has the lowest win rate of all ranks – her win rate is only 33.01% (as of 09/14/23). Furthermore, their pick rate is also low, possibly due to frequent bans. Naafiri follows her with a win rate of 42.79%.
This win rate puts her almost at the top of the champions with the worst win rates. According to, Syndra has the worst win rate heading into her debut. Within the first few weeks on the live servers, it only achieved a win rate of 27%, which is said to have been mainly due to bugs.
What are the reactions like? There is already an extensive thread about the new jungler on Reddit. However, the players’ reactions are rather annoyed:
Why is their win rate so bad? Many players may not yet fully understand how to play Briar effectively. It takes time and practice to get to grips with their skills and better understand their kit. In addition, it has only been available on the live servers since yesterday.
Therefore, these statistics are still in their early stages. There is not yet enough data to assess their true strength. Furthermore, Briar requires smart decisions. Her Bloodlust mode may be powerful, but when her E ability is on cooldown, it’s easy to accidentally run into enemy towers or enemies – and die.
For this reason, the right timing for these skills is extremely important. Many players are already despairing of Briar because she has tricky abilities that are particularly challenging for beginners.
Briar will take time to establish itself in the meta. Your kit may not be particularly complicated, but it does require a good understanding of the game. If her low win rate and limited impact on the game continue, it is likely that players can expect adjustments for Briar in the future.
Hopefully she won’t make it to the most unpopular champions: These are the currently 10 most unpopular LoL champions