New chairman and two vacant seats in the Sami Parliament youth council

Members of the Sami Parliament’s Youth Council are elected for two years and the term of office is from the third of September and two years onwards. The selection committee proposed Johannes Rimpi (JoF), Hilda Granberg (Vuo), Ella-Karin Nårsa (JoF), Maria Unnes (SáR) and Therese Labba (Guo) as regular members.

– I want to announce that regular member Therese Labba and substitute Marika Renhuvud are not running for re-election. We leave the seats vacant, to be filled at the next plenum, Marita Stinnerbom said in the lectern.

The Samiland Party also announced that Maria Unnes and her replacement Elis Fjällgren will not stand for re-election.

New chairman

Vuovdegas’ Hilda Granberg was elected chairman. She has the full support of current chairman Johannes Rimpis.

– I fully support her, both personally and professionally. She is very talented, so she has my full support, says Johannes Rimpi.
