new candidacy or judicial conviction?

new candidacy or judicial conviction

TRUMP. Donald Trump is responsible for the assault on the Capitol, the parliamentary inquiry has ruled. What curb his presidential aspirations? Not so sure.

187 minutes. That’s the time Donald had Trump to react, and during which he preferred to remain passive in the face of the assault on the Capitol led by his supporters on July 6, 2021. This finding was established by the parliamentary inquiry commission responsible for dissecting the coup attempt. of his staunchest defenders at the announcement of the victory of his rival, Democrat Joe Biden. After a year of investigation, the conclusion is clear for this commission: Donald Trump, who opened the floodgates “to disorder and corruption” must be held responsible for the abuses committed.

On the evening of July 21, the nine elected officials in charge of the investigation held their eighth public meeting, thus ending a series of high-profile hearings. Broadcast in prime time, this session was to be used to answer a crucial question, namely: to determine the role and behavior of Donald Trump “minute by minute” during this day of democratic changeover in the United States, when voters and supporters of the former president stormed the Capitol to challenge “massive voter fraud” that allegedly led to the election of Joe Biden. Penetrating the enclosure of the sacred temple of American institutions, they had interrupted the transfer of power in progress. What are the full conclusions of this commission? Will legal action be taken against the former president? A look back at the conclusions of an overwhelming investigation… Which will not, however, prevent the Republican billionaire from standing for re-election.

His lack of reaction is responsible for the assault on the Capitol, ruled the parliamentary commission of inquiry responsible for dissecting the coup attempt by supporters of Donald Trump on January 6, 2021. After sessions notably devoted to the influence from the Democratic movements on the supporters who launched the assault or to the pressures that Donald Trump and his entourage subjected electoral agents, came the question of Donald Trump’s responsibility in these events. It was a question of establishing to what degree he was informed of the intentions of his supporters, but also to what extent he encouraged them to act… Not to mention the reasons for his total lack of reaction that day, he who did nothing to prevent them from interrupting the democratic process. After assuring that the billionaire had indeed “lit the fuse” of this attack, the commission became more precise: the former American president “opened the way to disorder and corruption in an irresponsible way” on the 6 January 2021”, she concluded through the voice of Bennie Thompson, its president.

Donald Trump “tried to destroy our democratic institutions,” Bennie Thompson, chairman of the parliamentary inquiry, said bluntly. “There is no doubt that he ordered a mob, which he knew to be heavily armed, violent and angry, to march on the Capitol to block the peaceful transfer of power,” he continued, thus delivering the conclusions of the nine parliamentarians in charge of the investigation. On January 6, 2021 around noon, when thousands of his most fervent supporters had gathered in Washington, Donald Trump had given a most inciting speech asking them to “fight like the devils” against “electoral fraud massive” which he believed to be attributable to the counting of votes in many cities of the country.

Once the “breach was lit, he returned to the White House, leaving his supporters to launch an assault on the Capitol, and this for more than three hours – 187 minutes precisely – a period of time during which he is never intervened to ask them to leave the place even though he was partially following him on television (a number of national networks had broadcast him live).According to Adam Kinzinger, one of the two elected Republicans who consented to participate to the work of the commission and who has since been repudiated by his party, “the president did not make a mistake by not acting for 187 minutes, (…) he chose not to act”. , neither the federal police, nor the police of Washington nor the national guardsmen were contacted by Donald Trump, either “to give orders” or “to offer assistance” to the police force of the Capitol besieged by the crowd. The conscious and voluntary dimension of his inaction are the main reproaches ches formulated by the commission.

The testimonies of the people present at his side during this famous January 6 are further proof of this assumed passivity: the former legal adviser to the White House, Pat Cipollone, confirmed having said around 2 p.m. “very clearly that we had need an immediate and clear public statement calling on people to leave the Capitol” but not being heard by the ex-president. At 2:24 p.m. that same day, he also sent a tweet criticizing his Vice President Mike Pence for not wanting to block the certification of the election results, a sign of contestation of the results of the vote which did not only encourage his supporters to continue the assault. Finally, the elected Democrat Elaine Luria, member of the commission, also affirmed that Donald Trump had followed, impassive, the attack on television, ignoring his “close advisers” and “members of his family” who “begged him to intervene”.

Until the last moment, Donald Trump was ambiguous vis-à-vis the action of his supporters. If he sent two tweets to call on the crowd to “stay peaceful” on the afternoon of January 6, it was only because his daughter urged him to do so, as reported by Sarah Matthews, the then Deputy White House Spokesperson. In addition, when he finally decided to ask them to leave the Capitol, he shot a video without respecting the text written by his advisers, knowingly adding the sentence “I know your pain” and presenting himself as the victim of a “stolen election” by the Democratic camp.

Donald Trump will have to “answer for his actions in court”, says the commission, which has been punctilious about the wrongs of the one who has “failed in his duty”. After weeks of meetings and hearings, the parliamentary commission of inquiry will withdraw to work behind closed doors. The conclusions of this investigation period will be presented in a final report by November. At the same time, from September, testimonies, documents and hearings are planned to complete the file. Parliamentarians are mainly responsible for making recommendations to justice… Who alone will be responsible for deciding whether to initiate proceedings against the former president… Or not. For now, the Justice Minister Merrick Garland, did not rule out this option. “No one is above the law,” he has repeated in recent weeks.

Will he keep his promise? “I will be back”; “I will come back”, had sworn Donald Trump during his last appearance as President of the United States on January 20, 2021. Since then, if he has still not announced his candidacy for 2024, he has never officially retired. of the race and leaves the mystery hanging over statements that are a little vague. On July 10, he took advantage of a campaign trip to Alaska for former governor Sarah Palin to declare: “The“election was rigged, stolen, and our country is now systematically destroyed” to the crowd gathered in a stadium in Anchorage. “I was a candidate twice, I won twice”, he had insisted, before add: “And now… I may have to do it again. In addition, information leaks and anonymous testimonies from his entourage suggest that he could announce his desire to run again in the fall, as the detailed the political journalists of the washington post.

Still very influential politically, he is currently trying to maintain his leading role within the Republican Party by supporting, during the primaries, the candidates who are favorable to him, not hesitating to denigrate those of the more moderate Republican right. The Midterms 2022 elections (mid-term), which will be held on November 8, will be crucial for the future of American politics: all 435 members of the American House of Representatives will then be renewed. Also, sAccording to information from the Wall Street Journal, the creation of a party would be part of one of its projects for the next election. The name of this new political party? “Patriotic Party”, which would allow New Yorkers to continue to weigh in American political life if their Republican acquaintances were to be reduced to nothing. Finally, it should be noted that the billionaire can always count on theunwavering support from its most seasoned supporters.

Donald Trump is a renowned American tycoon. He was born into a wealthy family, of a father of German descent and a mother from Scotland. At the age of 13, he was enrolled in the New York military academy in order to channel his overflowing energy. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a degree in economics and joined his father’s successful construction company.

In 1971, Donald Trump took up the torch and transformed the name of the company into “Trump Organization”. This is the beginning of an extraordinary rise in the field of real estate development. Trump has hundreds of towers to his credit, including the Trump World Tower, the tallest apartment building in the world. With success comes fortune, and Donald Trump is now one of the richest men in the United States. He is also involved in the world of show business and has participated since 1993 in the reality show “The Apprentice”, in which participants compete to obtain a job in the Trump Organization. Donald Trump marries Ivana Trump ( a former ski champion from Czechoslovakia) in 1977, then marries Marla Maples. He is now married to Melania Knauss. From his three marriages five children were born. Republican by conviction, Donald Trump does not hide his political ambitions. He won the United States presidential race in November 2016. Donald Trump thus became the 45th American president.
