New Caledonia is confused! Macron declared ‘State of Emergency’! TikTok is banned, France is sending soldiers

New Caledonia is confused Macron declared State of Emergency TikTok

The death toll rose to 4 in demonstrations against the bill to change the voting system in France’s overseas territory of New Caledonia. It was announced that 1 security force member lost his life during the protests.

MACRON DECLARED a ‘State of Emergency’

French President Emmanuel Macron declared a state of emergency against the increasing violence. President Macron appreciated the efforts of the security forces, gave a message of solidarity with the people of New Caledonia and emphasized that they were determined to end the violence. In the statement made by the Elysee Palace, it was stated that the state of emergency was decided after Macron’s meeting with the National Security and Defense Council.


In New Caledonia, the state of emergency will continue for 12 days, starting from 20:00 local time. Under the state of emergency, freedom of travel and assembly will be restricted.


French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced that troops would be dispatched to New Caledonia, his country’s autonomous region in the Indo-Pacific, which was the scene of violent incidents.
According to reports in the national press, Attal joined the Inter-Ministerial Crisis Desk established regarding the violence in New Caledonia.

Attal stated at the beginning of the meeting that soldiers would be dispatched to New Caledonia to ensure the security of the airport and ports and that the social media platform TikTok would be banned in the region.

Prime Minister Attal gave instructions to reconvene the Inter-Ministerial Crisis Desk at the Ministry of Internal Affairs tomorrow at 08.30 local time regarding the situation in New Caledonia.

On the other hand, upon the instructions of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Gerald Darmanin, two independence supporters were placed under house arrest in New Caledonia.


In New Caledonia, independence supporters oppose the French government’s constitutional reform initiative because it would reduce their influence in the elections.

In the violence that has increased on the island in the last 2 days, approximately 200 workplaces and more than 50 vehicles were set on fire, and the number of deaths increased to 4.

During the incidents, 130 people were detained and more than 60 security guards were injured.

Following the increasing violence in New Caledonia, a state of emergency (OHAL) was declared. (AA)This content was published by Metin Yamaner

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