new battle in perspective in public opinion and in Parliament

In the spotlight a new reform project on immigration in

The main provisions of the law

Deportations: priority for offenders
This is the main part of the bill (half of the twenty-five articles): it is a question of facilitating expulsions, in the first place those of foreigners already convicted “for crimes and misdemeanors punishable by ten years or more. ‘imprisonment’.
The government wants to “reduce the scope of protections against decisions imposing an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) when the foreigner has committed acts constituting a serious threat to public order, public security or State security. “. In its viewfinder, the “protections” enjoyed by certain foreigners, in particular those residing in France for more than ten years, a “brake on remoteness”, summarizes the executive in the text transmitted in mid-December to the Council of State. While the rate of execution of OQTFs, the subject of recurring controversy, is below 10%, the government wants to “simplify the rules of litigation” which clogs the administrative courts, by reducing from twelve to four the possible appeals against expulsions . The “share of foreign nationals in delinquency represents (…) more than double their representation in the population”, highlights the government.

– Reform the asylum system
Still with the aim of deporting more efficiently, but also to speed up procedures, a “structural reform” of asylum is planned. The State wants to extend the use of a single judge to the National Court for the Right of Asylum (CNDA), which essentially rules collegially, except for “complex” cases. It is a question of “adapting” the CNDA to “the extent of the litigation”. The text also provides for the creation of “territorial chambers for the right of asylum”, while the CNDA is currently based in the Paris region alone.
“France Asylum” spaces are planned, bringing together agents from the French Office for Immigration and Integration (Ofii), the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra) and the prefectures. The objective: “Shorten the timeframe of the procedure by several weeks”.

– Regularize undocumented workers
The executive wants to allow undocumented workers who have been present in the territory for three years to obtain a “jobs in tension” residence permit, valid for one year, in sectors with a labor shortage. An “experimental” measure, scheduled until December 31, 2026. The list of shortage occupations must still be updated.
The bill also provides for the creation of a multi-year “talent – medical and pharmacy professions” residence permit, intended for qualified practitioners outside the European Union, “as soon as they are recruited by a public or private health establishment non-profit “.
This title, which entitles you to a residence permit for a maximum of four years, aims to “meet the need to recruit qualified health personnel” such as doctors, midwives, dental surgeons and pharmacists.
The government also wants to allow access to the labor market for asylum seekers “whose it is highly probable, in view of their nationality, that they will obtain international protection in France”, thus exempting them from a waiting period. six months.

– Integration: minimum level of French required
The executive wants to “condition the first issue of a multi-year residence permit to mastering a minimum level of French”, where a simple participation in language training is now required.
The measure aims to “encourage foreigners who wish to stay permanently in the territory to mobilize more in their learning of French”, in order to “promote their integration in France”.

(with AFP)
