Following new regulations from the EU, a certain detail will change in Swedish grocery stores.
New rules regarding packaging will within a couple of years start to apply in Sweden.
The rules come from a regulation at EU level and may change packaging in Swedish grocery stores.
New rules in grocery stores – this applies
Johanna RagnartzCEO of Keep Sweden Clean, tells News24 that the regulation will also affect things like the proportion of recycled content in plastic packaging and packaging recyclability.
But a new rule will hit consumers directly, something that the organization Keep Sweden Clean has pointed out in one Press release.
– We believe that the changes that will affect consumers most are precisely the ones we wrote about in the press release, and thus will start to apply in 2030, Ragnartz tells News24.
New bags to fruits and vegetables in grocery stores
Fruit is usually sold in plastic packaging, nets or plastic bags in large packs in grocery stores, something you now want to end up with.
The goal is to remove disposable plastic, and therefore fruits and vegetables sold in packaging that hold less than 1.5 kilograms will be given new packaging.
Those who visit grocery stores will therefore see fewer citrus fruits in nets and apples in plastic bags in the future.
However, it will be until 2030 before the requirement comes into force. What exact date it happens is not yet known.
– It’s not so clear yet, says Ragnartz at Keep Sweden Clean.