New ballistic missile tests from North Korea!

New ballistic missile tests from North Korea

Japan’s Ministry of Defense announced that North Korea has tested 2 ballistic missiles, and the missiles fell outside the Japanese exclusive economic zone.

According to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, the missiles were launched from the North Pyongan region at 11.13 and 12:05 local time in the direction of the Sea of ​​Japan (East Sea).

In the statement of the Chief of the General Staff, “Surveillance and surveillance activities are strengthened, while close cooperation with the United States continues.” statement was included.

According to the Japanese Public Television NHK, no damage was detected to the sea and aircraft navigating the area where the missiles fell.


It is known that since the beginning of 2022, the Pyongyang administration has launched more than 60 missiles at different ranges in 35 attempts, in violation of the United Nations (UN) resolutions.

Yonhap agency reminded that a commemoration ceremony was held yesterday in North Korea for the 11th anniversary of the death of former leader Kim Jong-Il.


On the other hand, the “US Space Forces Korea Command” was established within the body of the “US Forces Korea” (USFK) stationed in South Korea during the week.

