In this year’s “Farmen”, the participants were divided directly into two different farms.
An arrangement criticized by viewers.
Initially, we both followed the farms in the program – but now one is only shown on TV4 Play.
“It has nothing to do with what happens on the farms,” says Joel Bendrik, executive producer.
Before the spring season of “Farmen” started, production assumed that this year there is a new arrangement in the program. The participants were already divided into two groups in the season premiere who will live on two different farms and compete against each other. Half had to move into the “regular” farm Norra Brandstorp and half had to move into Lillängen, where the “torpedo” previously took place.
In the premiere of Farmen, viewers were allowed to follow both the participants at Norra Brandstorp and the participants at Lillängen, but in the second week’s section, viewers can only follow Norra Brandstorp in the program. Instead, the viewers are referred to TV4 Play to follow the participants at Lillängen, who in the streaming service is called “Torpet”.
Several critical viewers are now expressing their dissatisfaction on social media, which believes that it is both messy and unfair.
Explains: So the new arrangement in the farm is thought
Now Joel Bendrik, executive producer for Farmen, explains the arrangement for this year’s season of Farmen.
“It’s really just as usual when the torpedo starts, we simply follow two different playgrounds,” explains Joel Bendrik.
“New for this year is that for two more weeks it is” Farmen – Lillängen “, and not the torpedo. The two farms are still competing against each other, ”he continues.
That we in Farmen now follow Norra Brandstorp and not Lillängen has nothing to do with what actually happens on each farm, but was decided since before the season started.
“So completely planned from the beginning, it has nothing to do with what happens on the farms,” he clarifies.
Stream the farm
Far away from modernities, the participants live by farmers in the 19th century. At the same time, they are fighting in a tough competition with tactics and racks.