New AI filter on TikTok triggers internal crises

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The AI ​​filter #Teenagefilter is causing a stir on TikTok and Twitter. Because it makes people look significantly younger again. Some are overwhelmed by their memories of the past, but others also see dangers in the new technology.

The Teenage Filter is an AI that transforms your camera’s input into a younger you. This is how people who are between 40 and 60 suddenly look 16 again.

The hashtag #Teenagefilter generates more than 250 million views on the videos and shows how many people are currently interested.

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#Teenagefilter is funny for many, but also carries serious dangers

The first reactions: The first have already tried the filter and are positively surprised. Many middle-aged people have tried this and suddenly see their much younger selves again. Many find this impressive, but also consider what they have done with their lives over the past 20 years. You can take a look at this example:

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Thinking about the last time I looked this young and what I had been through up until then. It seemed like my smile never lost its life, but the sparkle in my eyes was gone for so long. 20 years have passed and I wonder what will be in another 20 years.

Various videos on TikTok show some struggling with their feelings as they face their younger selves again and watch their past years flash by.

Possible dangers: However, some are warning about the new trend. Because what some use for fun can quickly become dangerous for some. Some point out that young people and children can be deceived with such images and videos in order to incite them to take action.

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The cybercriminologist Prof. Dr. Thomas-Gabriel Rüdiger (our cover picture) therefore thinks it is important for parents and children to know what kind of trend is coming their way. Because behind the person who introduces himself as a 15-year-old, there is a 40-year-old who has no good in mind.

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In combination with the possibility of realistically imitating voices, this could lead to various surprises and completely new problems.

The well-known WoW streamer Asmongold has now experienced such a surprise. Because an AI had copied him so exactly that at first he thought it could be him:

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