New 100 million degree success with “artificial sun” KSTAR

New 100 million degree success with artificial sun KSTAR

South Korea’s artificial sun referred to as KSTAR A new success came from the (Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) system.

Clean energy source is from studies on nuclear fusion KSTAR (Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research), came to our agenda with the records he always broke. The infrastructure established in recent years has been fully It reached 100 million degrees Celsius and at this temperature 20 seconds He managed to work throughout. In a later experiment, to 30 seconds Another record was broken. The Korea Fusion Energy Institute announced on Friday that KSTAR will operate at high temperatures above 100 million degrees Celsius for 30 seconds. announced that they installed new tungsten routers. The researchers, who achieved another important success by performing this process smoothly and more stable than before, will be able to use the nuclear fusion reactor by 2026. Aims to run for 300 seconds at 100 million degrees. At first glance, 30 seconds of operating time may seem very short, but the previous record of 20 seconds was 10 seconds, KSTAR’s maximum operating time in 2019. 8 seconds It is necessary to remember that it can work. In other words, there is a gradual increase, albeit a small one, in the process. is located.


China operates on the clean and unlimited energy coming from nuclear fusion with its system called EAST. of the country artificial sun this is what he calls fusion reactorIn an experiment conducted last year, 100 million degrees had reached temperature. Real EAST reaches temperatures six times higher than the central temperature of the Sun.As far as it was announced, it doubled the previous attempts. In the last trial, a heating power of 10 MW was achieved. artificial sunIt started operating in 2006. This system, which does not contain radioactive waste and does not create greenhouse gas emissions, is a large and long-term solution. is of great importance for energy production.
